Friday, May 24, 2013

Timberland, San Mateo, Rizal

The infamous shotgun, where did it get its name?
according to Jong of bikers cafe there was once a security guard
up there with a shotgun... the end lol

We conquered "the wall" in 6 dismounts, maybe next time in 5 hehe
meanwhile, regular bikers of "the wall" goes up and down 3 to 4 times  in 2 to 3 hours!

The infamous "siko" is a sharp right hand turn after a fast section
of the descent... How to know if "siko" is approaching? there are speed bumps before siko...
I almost forgot about that, good thing I was warned by one of my mates while we were doing 60kph.
Bryan's top speed record is at 78kph! 

@bikers cafe

light breakfast before climbing "the wall"



With Bryan Pangan (owner of bikers cafe)

Camp Sinai


with Monica Pangan of bikers cafe

eric, jong and mj

kuya eko, jong and rene of bike stop cafe bulacan

obligatory alcohol intake after the ride

The owner of Bikers Cafe


  1. kilala ko ung MJ ahh hehehe. mukhang maganda at mhirap trail po dyan... hope mkpunta rin dyan hehehe wisssh
